ISCA - International Speech |
The elections 2025 will take place between April 1 and April 30.
Nominations for candidates must be done by filling in the dedicated form before March 15.
The ISCA Board has 15 members. Members are elected to the Board for a period of four years, and no member may serve on the Board for more than two consecutive terms. The ISCA statutes specify a maximum of three Board members from any one country.
In accordance with the ISCA by-laws, elections to the Board will take place in April every odd year. Candidates are nominated from the ISCA members. Each nomination requires the support of three members of the Association and consent from the candidate (e.g., by email).
Members elected to the Board will be expected to have one of the roles listed below to commit time to the work of ISCA in their area, attend the board meetings at each annual Interspeech conference, and participate in additional virtual meetings during the year. All candidates should be aware of these duties and commit themselves to fulfilling them before agreeing to be nominated.
The Board will accept nominations either from proposers or self-nominations with an indication of support.
For nominations, the following information needs to be provided:
See the ISCA webpage for full information.
See the ISCA webpage for full information.
Secretary General, Treasurer, Communication, Conference Coordinators, Diversity, Education and Training, Ethics, Fellows, Industry, Foundation, Distinguished Lecturer (DL), Grants, Awards, Publication and Archives, Special Interest Group, Student Liaison, Technical Committee, Workshops.
See the ISCA webpage for full information.